In India, researchers "found that the destruction of vultures raised all-cause human death rates by more than 4% in districts which were once highly suitable for vultures and later lost them."
"In a country with more than 500 million livestock, and without an infrastructure to dispose of dead livestock animals, livestock farmers historically relied on vultures as environmental sanitisers (Subramanian 2014). In their absence, carcasses of dead animals spend time out in the open or are disposed by farmers in water, both of which create an increased risk of disease and water pollution." https://voxdev.org/topic/energy-environment/how-human-and-ecosystem-health-are-intertwined-evidence-vulture-population-collapse-india
Jan 18, 12:51am: Will GiveWell or Open Philanthropy fund/recommend interventions aimed at preservation of keystone species (such as vultures) by January 2030? → Will GiveWell or Open Philanthropy fund/recommend interventions aimed at conservation of keystone species (such as vultures) by January 2030?