If, on a Kindle either on my phone (android) or a physical kindle or my PC, there is a voice-activated LLM I can talk to, which both 1) has access to a text 2) can respond to things I ask it, from Amazon. So I'll be able to ask things like this about a book:
summarize all textual mentions of "death" and read the related scene out to me
"read that again, more slowly"
summarize all descriptions of character "Yevgeny" and give a unified description of him from the entire book up to page 200
list any clues related to the broken window mentioned in the start of the book, from the entire book
from the whole book, which vocabulary words are the hardest? List top 20 with brief descriptions
What might you think would be the most beautiful or interesting passages in this book, based on poetic writing style you've seen?
summarize the last page I read
summarize the last chapter
The quality requirement is not high - something like the original ChatGPT would be fine. This claim isn't about the quality - it's about the availability.
I'll pay up to 100$/month for this plus say 20$book. It doesn't have to be available for previously purchased books, and the LLM doesn't have to have full visibility into the entire library at once. It can just be specific for this book.
The LLM+Book version for sale can't be something that is just a special edition for a very few specific books. It has to be something that's "generally" availalbe, at least for books which satisfy some general set of criteria, like complexity, safety, availability, sales etc. So, it doesn't have to work for every bit of text in a kindle, or all books, but on the other hand it can't just be something which a specific author has enabled for their book with a ton of special training. If it requires some training on the book, but otherwise is fairly broadly released, that's okay too.
It must be a growing thing, with more books available to it, not just a limited time thing which doesn't have a future
It must be something I can do by "normal" means like installing normal apps, paying, etc. Not rooting my phone or installing illegal apps, downloading raw DLLS and messing around with internals. It must be a "normal" product from Amazon. Also it must be from amazon (or whoever owns kindle); if google ships this even as a generic addon to android, or ms ships it as a general addon to windows, or we get full AGI that I can just have do this for me, it still wouldn't count unless Amazon shipped this.
It must actually be released and usable.
Other ways to achieve this from Amazon can count, too, if they substantially achieve this goal without breaking the rules I've laid out.
Discussion of Products available when you have LLM+Kindle+Voice
If you think about it, LLM-enabled Kindles would be AWESOME. Especially if they had voice input, and could read out text dynamically rather than just playing mp3s.
I speculate on a ton of these ideas here, but basically, it's every text-based LLM empowering thing - vocab, understanding, search, summarization, reviews, mysteries, etc.