A federal law in the United States that has been generated in full or in part using a large language model or AI will be passed by both the House of Representatives and the Senate, then go into legal effect before January 1, 2027.
For the purposes of this market, 'generated in full or in part using a large language model' means that an AI system's output contributed substantively to at least one section of the final enacted legislation.
The fact that it was written by an LLM or AI should be openly admitted to by the supporters or authors of the law, and must be the consensus view of its sponsors.
A law that was written by ChatGPT and edited by humans is waiting to pass through commissions and be voted on by the Legislative Assembly in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil: https://g1.globo.com/sc/santa-catarina/noticia/2023/03/02/projeto-de-lei-feito-por-chatgpt-e-protocolado-na-assembleia-legislativa-de-sc.ghtml