Judgeable when the second child is born or when the person passes away (given that we know they don't have any more planned or possible).
Also can YES is new information about the past is revealed.
Wishing everyone a big, happy and healthy family. Of course adopted children count; adopting a child and helping him or her have a good upbringing is one of the best things you can do.
Stepchildren for our purposes don't, though, since the question is about whether these people will cause a new parent+child relationship to exist for a kid who didn't have one before. Since stepchildren always will have had the person the stepparent is marrying, they wouldn't. I realize this isn't perfect, if someone married someone with adopted children it's not clear. To the best I can I'll try. If you think you've found a weird situation please let me know and I'll try to help and not trade against you.
End date: mid 2035
@Ernie once boosting or buying votes works I'll spend mana on this and try to get all the options some more exposure
@Ernie Then Zack King resolves YES, his wife and he adopted 2 kids in 2019 or earlier according to a yt vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vn1_vUghWzA&ab_channel=ZachKing (haven't watched it, but it should have the original source confirmation)
@Ernie that’s pretty disappointing tbh. i wish you’d googled them first to make sure they don’t have two kids already