Starship has flown 5 times so far, all since Artemis I; however, none have flown to orbit. Will it fly, successfully and orbitally, more times before Artemis II, than SLS flies in its entire program?
Orbital will be defined as perigee above sea level. Success criteria will be taken from the Wikipedia launch list page.
Close date will be extended as needed until the SLS program ends, or SLS has flown more times than Starship flew between Artemis I and II.
Eric Burger is pretty confident Artemis 2 is not happening next year, which gives Starship a lot of time to rack up orbital launches.
@Mqrius Good question. I think full successes only for Starship.
I assume that if Artemis II is not successful, there will not be a second mission of the same name, so I don't see a good way to count other than from the launch attempt.