According to the McKinsey Global Survey. In 2023 they found "Outside the tech world, only a third of global managers tell McKinsey they are regularly using generative ai for work; about half have tried the technology but have decided not to use it, and about a fifth have had no exposure to it all." https://www.economist.com/the-world-ahead/2023/11/13/generative-ai-holds-much-promise-for-businesses
Exhibit 4 from McKinsey & Co's The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value resolves this Yes I believe.
For example:
C-level execs ("Regularly use for work" + "Regularly use for work and outside of work" + "Regularly use outside of work"):
2023. (13 + 16 + 8) = 35%
2024. (15 + 26 + 15) = 56%
Edit: Ignore
20%. While generative AI has the potential to be a valuable tool for managers, it is unlikely that more than 50% of global managers from Fortune 500 companies will be using it regularly by June 30, 2025. This is because generative AI is still a relatively new technology, and there are some significant challenges to its widespread adoption.