Bonney has made a connection with the Straw Hats over the span of Egghead, and seeing as Luffy is her and Kuma's idol (i.e Nika), here is to seal the deal. Will she join? Or will Vasco445 get to her before she can join?
Okay, based on discussion below and reading I intend to unresolve this within a day, it seems like a clear misresolution and I don't see disagreement other than from the creator.
https://manifold.markets/GabeGarboden/will-bonney-join-the-strawhats?r=RlJPR01BTklB Hopefully is more honest with the outcome than this
@FROGMANIA this nigga keep riding the meat offa my dick. I cant unresolve it nigga. If you want ill refund what you put into it but from what I can tell it's obvious Bonney is a SH now. Uses Gear 5, has no common interest with the SH crew and has a connection with the end of the series.
@jacksonpolack zero good arguments, especially with OP stipulating about it 5 months ago. Nothing has been stated in the manga that she is joining the Straw Hat Crew in the capacity of a crew member.
@jacksonpolack I personally can't think of any because if this is the case then every single person traveling with Luffy at this moment could be considered a member which is absurd
@jacksonpolack It’s resolved based on a lot of assumptions. If he was confident he would wait for confirmation.

According to your own comment, her just being on the ship to Elbaf is not enough. You need to clarify more and/or provide links, as not even the official chapter states that she is “a part of the Straw Hat Crew like Jinbei.”
@dwax this is simply a matter of reading comprehension. Kinemon shared a mutual goal of getting to Wano and resembelling the 9 red scabbards. Bonney has no shared goal except for being G5, a direct connection to luffy.
quit allat dickriding and accept it
Motherfucker, you’re talking to me about reading comprehension? She has not been asked to join the crew. She is simply with the straw hat crew. If you wanted to just make 6k points in profit you could’ve said so dude, can clearly see you voted on your own question before it closed. I am not dickriding, I am literally telling you that you are wrong, and even your own answer to a question 5 months ago just makes what I said correct. You are wrong and just wanted to make 6k profit, you can just admit that.