When will TEL in Avgas be completely banned in the US?
Mercury is still placed in people’s mouths, a known neurotoxin is added to the water supply, and polyester is allowed to be sold as bedding and clothing.
Presumably even basic particulate matter is 10-100x worse than lead at current levels and they’ll ban home heating and cooling before Greta stops flying on private jets with leaded fuel.

"Innospec has claimed to be the last firm legally making TEL ... "
Wow they literally only make $16.2M/year as well. Might be worth it for Sam to just buy em out at that price idk. Like why the fuck would you produce this for 16.2M.. insane. https://unearthed.greenpeace.org/2017/08/22/innospec-uk-lead-petrol-exports/
ofc some companies make it illegally in China too, but maybe one could shut those down with enough pressure in the right places 🤷