To qualify for YES resolution an anime must meet all of the following criteria on AniList.
The genres include romance.
The release year is 2025.
The format is TV show.
At least 10k users have watched some of it.
It has a higher average score than any other anime that meet the previous criteria.
See anime that meet the first three criteria.
If two or more anime tie for the highest average score, then I will resolve with percents split between them.
I plan to resolve in January 2026.
@omnishambles You're the highest holder of YES on other. Which 2025 romance anime TV shows do you think are likely to have the highest score on AniList?
@HankyUSA Personally, I’m hoping Summer Pockets will be good (I like KEY visual novels), but I also think there’s a decent chance something not on my radar will get the highest score.