Refers to the first product product that ...
– Is produced by Apple
– Uses VisionOS, or its descendant
– Is "simpler" than a Vision Pro (current 2024 or future versions)
I think and hope defining this won't be hard once it happens. I will change the market name to reflect this change once we know more.
If Apple have not released (in consumer hands) any such product by EOY 2028, this resolves to N/A.
I will not trade in this market.
Edit: I'm an idiot
@HenriThunberg $300 just seems too cheap to me for an apple headset. I think the closest current product to that price point would be an apple watch SE which is currently $250. A VR headset seems much more complicated (and thus expensive) than that. The quest 3 is even $500, and apple is usually not one to compete at the low end of prices?
Am I missing something?
@Nikos hahaha yes, you're missing the fact that I accidentally left out a zero in a mindblowingly ridiculous lapsus. Will keep as is, as testament no never trusting myself again.