Resolves once I am highly confident (>98%) of the answer, based on strong evidence from multiple sources that have no significant incentive to engage in a cover-up or a smear campaign against a certain political party. If that never happens, this market never resolves.
https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/ap-obtains-records-shedding-new-light-jeffrey-epsteins-99774326 imo this is pretty much definitive, and even if it doesn't clear the 98% threshold I think it's proof that yes should be a lot higher than it is. certainly not hard to believe the narrative presented here
@B1e0e https://apnews.com/article/jeffrey-epstein-jail-suicide-prison-death-8d194a756f2b429067f009a0c70f96c0 here is the original ap article that all of that article's content was taken from