Manifold is awarding $30,000 over three months to projects designed to benefit the Manifold community. The next payout date is January 15th, and that's the one this market will resolve based on. I submitted my custom search function and trading dashboard for a grant under this project.
Before the payouts are decided on, I'll ask everyone involved with the decision to mention which specific features they liked. Any that are mentioned as a positive resolve YES. The rest resolve NO.
(This includes moderators or anyone else that the payouts are delegated to. Any official writeup counts. Unofficial statements also count as long as they were made by someone without a YES stake in that feature, and I don't suspect they're an attempt to manipulate this market.)
A valid answer to this market is a feature suggestion or bug report. Any answer that is not implemented at close resolves N/A. Any answer that I implement and then revert before close due to negative feedback resolves NO. Any answer that is a duplicate of an existing answer, or that I had already implemented before submission, will resolve N/A. Feel free to submit variants on existing answers if you think the difference is relevant.
In the event of ambiguous statements from the judges, I will interpret them in the direction of having half of the implemented changes resolve YES and half resolve NO.
Hmm, looks like it was only the moderator bulk actions and group sorting.
Is this one related to why https://outsidetheasylum.blog/manifold-search/?groupsVisibility=true&creatorVisibility=true&volume24HoursVisibility=true&g=NYC&o=false returns nothing but https://manifold.markets/browse?s=liquidity&f=open&ct=ALL&topic=nyc has many results? (or is that an unrelated bug or issue with my query?)
@AndyMartin Hmm, that appears to be an unrelated bug, sorry about that. I'll try to get that fixed soon.
@AndyMartin Could you provide an example of how this would be useful to you? How would it work exactly?
@IsaacKing The general purpose/use would be to let folks more closely follow a subset of markets, while letting users experiment & define the subset with a query on your dashboard.
In the HN example above, whenever a post reaches 100 upvotes, it gets added to the RSS feed and shows up in my feed reader - this lets me follow all "somewhat newsworthy-ish" things that get posted without being overwhelmed by all content.
Some possibly interesting things to do on Manifold:
all markets that mention a specific/rare keyword (ex: a topic I'm very interested in, a startup, etc)
all "newsworthy-ish" NYC markets (groups=NYC + volume=100:)
extremely trending markets (24hourvolume=25000:)
high liquidity markets ending soon where mana's still left on the table, likely due to the extreme probability problem (https://outsidetheasylum.blog/manifold-search/?liquidityWeight=0&closeTimeWeight=1&creatorVisibility=true&p=0.5%3A5%2C95%3A99.5&l=500%3A)
Being able to define custom RSS feeds like this is way more flexible than what seems like will be possible soon through "native" manifold notifications.
@oh If they're not mentioned at all, they all resolve NO. If they're mentioned in a vague way, like "I like how much you've spiffed up the look of the site", then I'll resolve any that seem like plausible contributors to YES. For any that are borderline, that's what this line is intended for:
In the event of ambiguous statements from the judges, I will interpret them in the direction of having half of the implemented changes resolve YES and half resolve NO.
I want to add "Make a userscript for manifold.markets which overrides Manifold's search with your search" but out of mana
@bohaska Added!
In the mean time, people can set up Chrome or Firefox to search in my tool directly from the search bar using the "custom search engine" thing in the browser settings. So for example you just need to type "control + l, m, altman, enter" and you'll see a list of markets about altman.
(I know you already know about that, just mentioning it for others.