Trains, train parts, or something otherwise closely related to trains must be a main subject of the question, not just an offhand reference.
The question must be one asked by someone else in the Q&A, not a question posed by CGP Grey themselves. It must be featured in the Q&A video, not just asked in the submission forum. In the event there are multiple videos that are all part of the same conceptual Q&A session, I'll count all of them that are on the main channel.
Update 2025-02-01 (PST) (AI summary of creator comment): - Market closing date extended: The market will remain open for a few more months beyond the original closing date.
Resolution condition: If no Q&A video addressing train questions is available by the extended deadline, the market will be resolved as N/A.
@oh Try to figure out whether such a video is ever going to occur, and resolve N/A if not.
@IsaacKing Looks like he still hasn't hit 1B views, might be time to extend the close date if that's the plan?