I hate having to use a mouse and keyboard. I have dysgraphia, and my typing is slow and error-prone. The current state of BCIs is not great, and non-invasive ones even less so. But they're being worked on, and as soon as non-invasive BCIs would be faster for me to use than a mouse and keyboard and are remotely affordable, I plan to switch over.
@IsaacKing I have heard that EEG devices are a pain: need to apply jelly like paste that needs regular reapplication and is also not easy to wash off. Can’t imagine using that in daily routine.
I am unfamiliar with dysgraphia, so please excuse this question if it doesn't make sense!
Looking at the link to meta's 'brain-computer interface' you would still need to move your muscles, or think about moving your muscles in some way to type/interact with the computer. Would that be any easier than just typing for you?
I can see how a BCI that can take your imagined speech and type would be easier, but I am unsure about a more muscle-based interaction.
I ask because I think typing how Meta displayed it in the link you provided will be widely available by 2030. But I do not think imagined speech will be widely available by 2030 (although it will likely be very close). So the way I would vote on this depends on how useful a muscle-based BCI would be to you.
@IsaacKing Thanks! Would you say being able to think about moving your hand, but not actually moving it, or twitching your hand in small customisable motions instead of typing on a keyboard would help your work efficiency? If you have impaired fine motor skills then I assume not? Might be completely misunderstanding though 😁
@JakeToth If it lowers the rate of typos or increases overall typing speed, yes. My motor skills are bad in specific ways, so a different type of input might solve the issue. (My typing also isn't that bad, I think I'm still a faster typist than the average computer-using human.)