"Manifold" refers to any accounts associated with Manifold Markets, such as @ManifoldMarkets and @ManifoldBugs, along with any Manifold employee accounts who publically present themselves as representatives of Manifold in some capacity. (Such as by talking about bugs they fixed or features they're planning on implimenting.)
"Ever" refers to a period of at least 6 months with no misresolutions before 2024. In other words, if no accounts associated with Manifold resolve any market incorrectly for 6 months, this resolves YES. If that hasn't happened by the end of 2023, this resolves NO. Yes, I know this isn't what the word "ever" means, but I wanted a snappy title.
"Misresolve" refers to any market whose description said one thing and was resolved to a different thing. (Including N/A resolutions.) Ambiguous resolutions aren't counted as a misresolution, even if several community members are unhappy about it; it must be unambiguously wrong. If the community is consulted to determine the resolution and a consensus is reached, that also doesn't count as a misresolution, even if there are a few community members who still disagree.
Anyone know of one in the last 6 months of 2023? I don't.
Those were on my personal account which does not have the staff badge though. I don't know of any other recent misresolutions.
Not a Manifold resolution, but a Manifold non-resolution: They've now arbitrarily stopped re-resolving some fraudulent markets, and are allowing traders to take a loss from the scam. Those traders having assumed they'd be covered under Manifold announced policy.
Just got three more very questionable resolutions:
The first two are straight up incorrect. Manifold ignored them for months after they should have resolved, then was too lazy to figure out the correct resolution and just cancelled them instead.
Betting this market down since at this point it seems pretty clear that Manifold doesn't care about their reputation as a market resolver and isn't making any effort to improve.
Just resolved an abandoned market incorrectly.
Not looking good. I asked @DavidChee in the voice chat to not resolve this market yet because I had evidence to provide, and they didn't even give me a chance to finish speaking before resolving it incorrectly anyway.
@IsaacKing lol u didn't say u had evidence, or I didn't hear u. I will consider reresolving it though
@IsaacKing haha I was just in a rush to resolve it quickly bc I thought ppl were trying to stall so they could get bets in for free mana.
@Yev I think the Manifold Bugs market should be removed: https://manifold.markets/ManifoldBugs/this-market-is-a-test-for-another-b#NsBSzNXOUxhz4Iq4bE1B