Refers to whether such an object actually enters their territory with permission, not just whether it's allowed in theory. Includes fusion reactors.
Important to remember that New Zealand is also a party to the https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Rarotonga . For this question to resolve YES, besides repealing their local law, they'd also have to withdraw from the treaty or violate it.
@IsaacKing From the above Wikipedia article, second paragraph:
The nuclear-free zone Act does not prohibit nuclear power plants, nuclear research facilities, the use of radioactive isotopes, or other land-based nuclear activities.[6]
@NcyRocks Interesting. That directly contradicts the first paragraph right before it.
Under the New Zealand Nuclear Free Zone, Disarmament, and Arms Control Act 1987,[1][2] territorial sea, land and airspace of New Zealand became nuclear-free zones.
Yeah, it's a common misconception that New Zealand's definition of 'nuclear-free' thing includes power stations, but it doesn't. It does include nuclear-powered ships.
It's pretty clear-cut if you read the Act itself here (sections 5-7).
@NcyRocks Thanks. I'll go ahead and include fusion power plants, and I've clarified the description that I care about what actually gets built or moved, not just allowed.