As far as I'm aware there are no rules agains this and come on, second time's free!
Here's how this goes:
To participate you add 100M to the Bounty and place a comment:

You can add multiple M100 bounties and the payouts for relevant slots get added together.
With each joining person 75% of the bounty they added will be redistributed evenly to all previous participants (not guaranteed to be instant but I'll try to be fast). The other 25% will be used to cover operational costs of this completely legitimate enterprise.
Your potential profits are infinite, the sooner you join the more you make!
Official Profit Tracker Pending
First distribution occurs on the 15th August 2023 (I'm away from my computer until then)
Thanks to @CodeandSolder for the idea:

Breaking news! Manifold's lawyers have informed them that, due to cash prizes being introduced to Manifold, mana will now be regulated as a real currency, and anyone who performs illegal actions such as a ponzi or rug pull scheme will be prosecuted. The only way to avoid it is to pay out to all investors immediately!!!