Germanys target is to reach 80% renewable energies within 2030. Will they reach their goal?
Current renewable energies production is 47%
@RemNi the policies they're putting in place now will have an effect in that time frame. 80% is a lot, but Germany is going in a pretty unique direction, especially post-2022
The first half of 2023 it was 52 percent according to the gov: https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/schwerpunkte/klimaschutz/faq-energiewende-2067498#:~:text=2021%20lag%20der%20Anteil%20der,weiter%20auf%20rund%2052%20Prozent
@Jede Is this supposed to be closed, or should it stay open for trading until we know the answer?
Could you clarify whether this is talking about electricity, primary energy consumption, or something else? Do you have a preferred data source?