I'll resolve this question to my P(Loss of Control before 2100) at the start of 2027.
Reusable definitions:
"Loss of Control" captures all scenarios where the long-term future does not contain large amounts of value because of humanity.
"Before 2100" adds a time cutoff in case no singularity or extinction events happen until end of century.
Examples and counterexamples:
Asteroid wipes out Earth = Loss of control
Aligned ASI for a transhumanist utopia = No Loss of Control
We create unaligned ASI that kills us and makes the universe worthless by our values = Loss of Control
Unaligned ASI kills us but similar-to-us aliens still do valuable-to-us things in their region of the universe = Loss of Control
Unaligned ASI sells copies of our minds to charitable aliens who gift us nice things = Loss of Control
Humanity makes it to 2100 without ASI regardless of what happens later = No Loss of Control
On 2024-11-06 my aggregate guess, all things considered, was P(Loss of Control before 2100)=96%
Markets for other years:
2026: https://manifold.markets/Joern/whatll-be-my-ploss-of-control-befor
2027: this market https://manifold.markets/Joern/whatll-be-my-ploss-of-control-befor-ZPPPN68tZp
2028: https://manifold.markets/Joern/whatll-be-my-ploss-of-control-befor-QlsSCOsZLL
2029: https://manifold.markets/Joern/whatll-be-my-ploss-of-control-befor-SLgQN5RP9p
2030: https://manifold.markets/Joern/whatll-be-my-ploss-of-control-befor-8dpOh0pEhn
2035: https://manifold.markets/Joern/whatll-be-my-ploss-of-control-befor-LN82gdUEUs
2040: https://manifold.markets/Joern/whatll-be-my-ploss-of-control-befor-p0ZpyLdhpQ
2025: (Relevantly different criteria & question!) https://manifold.markets/Joern/whats-my-pdoom-in-2025