Previous entries in the Grand Theft Auto series are renowned for their selection of licensed songs, which play diegetically through car radios in the game world. For Vice City and San Andreas, these soundtracks set their mood and sense of place as period pieces. In IV and V, they reflected contemporary cultural trends and the musical cultures of the cities they're based on. (For instance, GTA 4 featured local NY indie bands and a dedicated station for Eastern European music, which grounded the player in Niko Bellic's immigrant community. GTA 5, meanwhile, emphasized West Coast subgenres and added a country music station for its more rural locations.)
Answers in this market will resolve YES if they are licensed tracks that play diegetically (i.e., "in-universe").
- If R* replaces the radio stations with an app like Spotify that the player character can select songs from and listen to, the licensed songs on it will still count as YES.
- Licensed tracks that appear as "atmospheric" background music (the player can hear it but the characters wouldn't) resolve NO. The licensed songs from Red Dead Redemption would fall in this category.
- This market counts only songs that appear on launch day for all then-supported platforms and users. Songs that appear as DLC, pre-order bonuses, console exclusives, "dummied out" or cut content, etc. resolve NO.
Previous radio stations in the series (and the songs they play) are listed here. R* also keeps a mostly-complete set of Spotify playlists for them.