Europe= https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europe#List_of_states_and_territories
Including Turkey, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan, BUT not including Kazakhstan (come at me). If this list is changed I reserve the right to make specific rulings on additions, but I will apply common sense.
Any and all inhabitants of overseas territories or regions that are outside the geographic bounds of Europe but over which European countries exercise sovereignty DO count for this question.
A dual national being the first would lead to a 50-50 resolution (or worse if they have more than two nationalities...)
You said:
> A dual national being the first would lead to a 50-50 resolution (or worse if they have more than two nationalities...)
That seems really odd to me. If you're a dual national, you're 100% a citizen of one country, and 100% a citizen of the other. Why not resolve all nationalities the person does have to 100%? Does the platform not allow that somehow?
@BrunoParga I could have set it up to allow that but there's a cost: the answers become independent of each other and the probabilities no longer sum to 100 or change when people bet on other answers. I don't really like that and given that dual nationality will probably be an edge case I think it's okay in this instance.
(I also think it's pretty unlikely that this contingency would end up blindsiding us such that people would lose mana from betting a nationality above 50%. If it happens we'll almost certainly have a long time to factor it into betting patterns)
@BrunoParga there's actually another stronger argument which I realised this morning, namely that this is the sort of market that really benefits from having an Other option that you can carve answers out of later (given the large number of smaller European states)