Recent rumours have pointed to a new 'C' button on the Nintendo Switch 2's right Joy-Con controller. What does the C mean?

I will resolve to the answer that most closely matches how the button is referred to in official Nintendo marketing materials.
You can also bet on the "No Meaning" answer, which will be resolved to if a meaning/word is not officially revealed by the system's release or if the C is simply treated as another meaningless button, like the X or Y buttons.
You can also bet on the "There Is No C Button" answer, which will be resolved to if the final product does not actually have a button with a C on it.
@retr0id In hindsight, I wish I phrased it differently so the market could continue, but this in the description makes it pretty clear this should resolve to "There Is No C Button" given the reveal today:
You can also bet on the "There Is No C Button" answer, which will be resolved to if the final product does not actually have a button with a C on it.

@Jubs If it's a big feature, they could've easily obscured it and waited to reveal it's a C until later.