@Khazar_Man_From_Turan Could you explain how this is a large government organization running as a futarchy
@Khazar_Man_From_Turan This document does not give any examples of a large government organization being run as a futarchy.
@PlasmaBallin sorry I thought I linked to specific page. On page 25 Hanson mentions it. He gave more details in the talk
@Khazar_Man_From_Turan Page 25 just refers to metaDAO and "Secretive India‐Based Medical District", are either of those what you resolved this on? What details did he give during the talk?
@jacksonpolack the second one is what I resolve on. He said Punjab healthcare system is using futarchy
@Khazar_Man_From_Turan If that's true, I think it'd be much better to wait to resolve until we have external confirmation other than five words on a slide and what Hanson said in private. The market's end date is 2030, we have plenty of time to properly learn if Punjab's healthcare is run as a futarchy or not!
The slide also says "Futarchy trials", and while I don't know exactly what is happening given only five words, I doubt the "trial" is within the plain meaning of "large government organization run as a futarchy".
Is there a recording of the talk anywhere?
I unresolved the market due to a combination of above factors and you betting the market up before resolving it (creating a strong incentive for creators to interpret markets in their interest)! Not suggesting any bad intent on your part though, it isn't obvious how to run a market well!
@Khazar_Man_From_Turan You can re-open it by changing the close date and then quickly sell some of your shares if you want, or reopen it and not sell, up to you