This is a variant of this market I posted earlier:
If the below conditions don't happen in 2023 this market resolves N/A.
This market is zoomed into 2023 and lets you pick a month. CONDITIONAL on the above market resolving to 2023, this market resolves to the first month in which an AI with the following capabilities is proven to exist:
A writer is able to create a comic book / graphic novel entirely by themselves without having to rely on a separate illustrator (only one human works on this project, not including the team that made the AI models & tools used by the one human).
The author should provide input in the form of a script: this includes visual directions regarding composition, subject matter, shot by shot plot events, etc, as well as dialogue, "stage directions", etc.
The author may optionally provide model sheets for their characters. This is the only allowed visual input to the system. Everything else must be generated based on text descriptions alone.
The outputted illustrations should take no more than 10% of the human labour time that went into the writing. (The writer may make some slight retouches in Photoshop, but may not functionally double as the illustrator).
The art may be in any style, and color is optional, but the visual quality must be at least on par with that of your average shonen jump manga. This is highly subjective, but I will use my best judgment.
The characters must be distinctive and must stay consistently on-model throughout the piece.
The art style must remain consistent throughout in both style and quality.
The work must be at least 16 pages in length.
The work must have a non-trivial amount of lettered writing (including dialogue) on every page.
The outputted art must coherently match the writing provided by the author. (If a layperson were to see the script and the final comic side by side, they would agree they matched)