The problem is the sort of studies that would point to this unambiguously (RCT under metabolic ward conditions) are no longer performed, and nutrition research is mostly a monument of rubbish as a result. For example, you can still find papers trying to decide at what point between eating 1 egg per day and 2 eggs per day would cause someone to drop dead--all based on p-hacking and dietary recall questionnaires! My personal suspicion is that obesogens are 30% likely to play an important role, so assuming a 1/3 chance over 10 years that the epistemological situation in this scientific community improves sufficiently, that would yield a 10% chance.
I don't trust this random AI app further than I can throw it, but just asking it for fun and it says the results are mixed:

Manifold in the wild: A Tweet by VivaLaPanda