If the CIA's JFK assassination documents are declassified, what will they reveal? [ADD YOUR OWN]
Dec 31
The CIA had been specifically warned beforehand about Lee Harvey Oswald
At least two members of the CIA were involved in organizing the assassination
At least one member of the CIA was involved in organizing the assassination
John A. McCone was involved in organizing or commissioning the assassination
There is no evidence that the CIA as an organization was involved (individual actions by members do not count)
Neither the CIA or any of its members were involved in the assassination
John F. Kennedy was not the target of the assassination
Jack Ruby (Oswald's murderer) was killed by the CIA or any of it's members
Jack Ruby (Oswald's murderer) had been employed by or paid by the CIA at any point in time
Lyndon B. Johnson was involved in the assassination
John A. McCone was personally warned of a possible assassination of JFK on that date
Lee Harvey Oswald was more involved/in communication with Soviet officials than previously disclosed
The Secret Service made several crucial errors in screening the route prior to JFK's arrival
Lee Harvey Oswald had discussed his plans with at least one other person
Jack Ruby was involved in international crime (drug smuggling, money laundering, other crime across borders)
Jack Ruby had a serious personal connection (ongoing romance, years-long friendship) with at least one full time employee of the CIA
JFK's head just did that
The Mafia were involved.
Jack Ruby's cancer was deliberately caused or the progression accelerated.
A member of the Secret Service accidentally fired a shot which hit JFK

This market will only resolve based on what the documents and files reveal, even if not all documents/files are published. Any new information from other sources is not relevant to this market. The resolution will be based solely on what is known as fact. For example, if a document states that "XY might have given Oswald information, so we stopped the investigation," this does not constitute proof that XY was involved. Only what is officially declassified will count.

Here are some general definitions for this market:

  • "Involved": Knowledge beforehand (not a warning that was ignored), commissioned, or helped with anything

  • "(CIA) members": Directly employed and agents with a long-term (>1 month) contract on November 22, 1963. Freelancers or individuals who received specific amounts of money for a job or information are excluded.

  • "Organizing"/"Involved in Organizing": Providing information intentionally, supplying weapons, offering purposeful assistance, helping obtain permission to go somewhere, etc.

All submissions will be resolved to my judgement, and I will likely seek input from mods in difficult cases (which may arise). I will try to close the market before the documents are published.

This market will resolve as N/A if Donald Trump (or any other Republican presidential nominee) is not elected president in 2024 and Kamala Harris (or any other Democratic nominee) does not make a statement that she will declassify the documents. It will also resolve as N/A at the end of 2025 if Trump does not publish a serious statement or provide a reason for when he will declassify the documents, or if he announces that he will not declassify them (according to my judgment).

Please make submissions as clear as possible and avoid creating edge cases or subjective suggestions (e.g., "Will XY think the reveal of the documents will bring new big insights?"). I might ask for clarification in the comments and will add it to the submission if relevant. I reserve the right to mark any submission as N/A. (To my knowledge, the Mana will be returned to those who made the submission, but there is no guarantee.)

to start trading!
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@ZacParker This is the REAL conspiracy-- an act of God? Cosmic fate? The opposite of a Boltzmann brain? We may never know.

There will be a real chance if Trump is the elected president.

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