Minor constituent as in frozen conflict zone/exclave. Resolves YES if Ukraine declares war (or special military action, etc) on, annexes, or invades Transnistria, Abkhazia, or Kaliningrad. (They are already so with the Donetsk, Luhansk, and Crimean Republics regardless of your own view and will not count towards market resolution.) Still resolves yes even if they immediately cede the land to someone else, eg Transnistria to Moldova, or Kaliningrad to Poland.
@Lorelai I think I've been misunderstood - I personally specifically do not recognize them as anything other than rightfully part of Ukraine, but I'm pointing out that even if you disagree with that, they're still disqualified and you can still bet anyway.
@lukres I'd say it doesn't count for two reasons - first, the market is about additional declarations, not renewed fighting with respect to an existing frozen conflict, and second, I would consider those specific cases not to count given existing Ukrainian claims. This market is specifically about whether Ukraine will use a slightly unorthdox tactic to marginally widen the war with Russia.