I am a 28-year-old male who is 180 cm tall. Currently, I weigh 73 kg and my body fat percentage is approximately 14.5%. I have been working out for an average of 150 minutes per week for the past year, and I try to keep my diet in check. However, due to some logistical issues, I have been inconsistent with my training and nutrition, which has made it difficult for me to reach my fitness goals. Beginning in January, I will have more stability, which will allow me to follow a 6-month cutting/bulking diet and exercise program (Bigger Leaner Stronger). I have made some calculations, and my stretch goal is to reach a weight of more than 75 kg with a body fat percentage of around 11%. However, there are several factors that could hinder my progress
The goals I have set for myself may be too unrealistic or difficult to achieve.
There is a possibility that I might encounter more logistical problems that could lead to my inconsistency again.
Unforeseen events, such as finding a girlfriend or experiencing tremendous success with my startup, could potentially decrease my motivation to pursue my fitness goals.
I may face injuries or health issues that could impact my progress.
@LucaParodi Why did you move the close date from yesterday to 2025? Is it YES or NO? Please resolve.
@jeremiahsamroo I am at the right body fat but I am struggling with the bulking phase. I have a professional PT who's following me but I can't get over 71kg. As a great intellectual once said, "maybe, if do just one cycle..."