Beverage distributors in Oregon are collectively responsible for collecting empty beverage containers from retail partners and consumers, managing the flow of deposits and refunds, and ensuring that materials are processed for high quality domestic recycling. Oregon Bottle Recycling Collective was started in 2009 by beverage distributors merging several regional cooperative organizations into a single not-for-proft co-op. The result was the BottleDrop network: a fully integrated container recycling program.
Currently ~81% of containers are returned through BottleDrop with the remainder being returned at retail stores. Will the network capture a larger % of bottle returns in 2024 Q1?

Market Resolution
Market will resolve YES if OBRC reports a higher % returns through BottleDrop in 24Q1 than 23Q4.
Market will resolve NO if OBRC reports a lower or equal % returns through BottleDrop in 24Q1 than 23Q4.
Data Source: OBRC’s quarterly and annual reports
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