All options will be counted as from the moment of formation of the government (specifically the 'bordesfoto') up until the moment that the prime minister offers his resignation to the king.
Update: starting date is July 2nd 2024
@MarnixV I'm not at all following things closely, but saw VVD focusing more on economics and saw them criticizing PVV some
Aha, gotcha thank you. I'd forgotten about the demissionary period. It's just that I find it slightly odd to say that the coalition "fell" if it lasts until the next election and then gets defeated. This is kinda different than "falling" in the sense that, say, NSC withdraws from the coalition and it thus loses the confidence of the current Kamer.
Also, what happens if the coalition falls afterJuly 3, 2027 but before July 1, 2028? It won't have fallen within 3 years, and it won't have lasted 4 years either.