These are strange days we're living in today.
Will I live to relive the days gone by?
Will I live to see the day the Pope gets high?
Tonight I'm gonna live for today.
Resolves YES if I'm alive when I'm 70yo.
Resolves NO otherwise.

@MartinRandall Or happy for the reminder that they could easily have not made it to 70!
@IsaacKing Should be time since birth. I'm not currently planning to be cryonically preserved as my brain contains unencrypted sensitive data. Biological and aesthetic age are too subjective.
I'm not sure at this time how I will resolve if I'm uploaded and experience time at a different rate, so there's some resolution risk there.
@Yev a big philosophical question. If an identical copy is created then I hope the two copies will agree on which of us count as me for the purposes of this market.