Market resolves if TSLA reaches >$550 ($550.01+) at any point before 8pm EST on 8/8/25 - this includes After Market but not Overnight trading.
For After Market trading information: After-Hours Trading: How It Works, Advantages, Risks, Example (investopedia.com)
@MolbyDick I have some limit orders, if you want to fill them :) (and I'm willing to put 10k at 45% if you want.)
You surely can't adjust the amounts, from ($550 on 8/8) to $400 on 31/12 after buying loads of YES!?
(And how could TSLA reaching a lower value on a longer timeframe be less likely?)
This is for this December
The previous one was for 8/8/25
I'm relatively new to manifold, willing to do whatever is considered good etiquette if you still think this adjustment was unfair. I was taking the advice from a comment to make it a shorter timeline, adjusted to a price I'd still give yes action on.
And it was 8/8 i.e. August previously...
You are clearly using your position as the market maker to manipulate things here.
Just change the question to the same one everyone wagered on and sell your position if you regret it. There is plenty of action on this market, just not at the price you hoped for.
Edit: My bad I didn't notice it was 8/8/25. I assumed it was Robotaxi day. In any event, I still think you should change it back.
You shouldn't readily and falsely accuse others of deceit.

Pat I took the advice to just revert it.
I did it because I guess I falsely assumed this suggestion was that I should change the market directly, quite new to manifold as I stated.
@kevor btw this reversion to the older criteria was for 2025, which is a longer timeline. I think seeing "8/8" might have made you think it was for 8/8 2024 (I know it did confuse me!)
@Stralor Yeah I spotted that, and addressed it in an edit above.
@MattF I am sorry if I upset you, with my comments. I accept that you acted without understanding the impact, but you must understand that you created a market, bet yes and had others bet against you and then changed the underlying terms of the bet which made it easier to win! It is manipulation, whether carelessly/innocently done or on purpose. I don't think my comments were mean-spirited and I'm sorry you took them that way. Thanks for reverting the market :)