FM-2030, originally born Fereidoun M. Esfandiary, was a prominent transhumanist, futurist, and philosopher known for his progressive views on technology and human evolution. He envisioned a future where humans could transcend their biological limitations through advancements in science and technology. Born in 1930, FM-2030 legally changed his name to reflect his aspiration to live until the year 2030, which would have marked his 100th birthday.
Despite his hopes, FM-2030 passed away in 2000 due to pancreatic cancer. However, his body was cryonically preserved by the Alcor Life Extension Foundation, a leading organization in cryonics, which aims to reanimate preserved individuals when future technology permits it. The cryonic suspension process involves vitrification, an advanced method intended to prevent ice crystal formation and minimize damage to the body.
Will FM-2030 be revived from cryonic suspension and be alive during any part of the year 2030?
This market will resolve to "Yes" if FM-2030 is successfully revived from cryonic suspension and there are credible reports from reputable sources confirming that he is alive at any point in 2030, including via mind uploading. Verifiable evidence must show that he is exhibiting signs of life, such as consciousness or basic biological functions.
The market will resolve to "No" if there are no credible reports confirming FM-2030's successful revival by the end of 2030, or if there is no verifiable evidence that he is biologically alive during any part of 2030.