I have a pretty limited ammount of time to play computer games, and I know there's no way I'm going to play Kerbal Space Program 2 if I've already played KSP 1. Given that, if I do play KSP1 instead of waiting for KSP2, will I end up regretting it?
Kerbal Space Program 2 is already available in Open Access, but when I say "wait for it" I mean wait until it gets a full release and any important updates.
It depends on whether KSP2 will recover from its horrendous EA launch (which it seems on track to do), and whether or not you're the sort of person who's satisfied with a game that is good on its own merits, or if seeing unfulfilled potential irks you.
KSP is a good game, though. I don't think you're ever going to be disappointed in KSP and not KSP2.
@abledbody I'd say yes, I am "the sort of person who's satisfied with a game that is good on its own merits". And I'm a very patient gamer, so I would certainly be willing to wait until KSP2 was widely regarded as "finished", even if that wasn't the case when the game leaves early access and instead took a couple more years of updates.