The Cambridge-based firm Singular Computing has filed suit against Google for patent infringement. Singular is seeking over a billion dollars in damages. See these sites for relevant background.
This question resolves YES if the court rules that Google infringed on any of the three patents at issue in the case and orders Google to pay Singular any amount of damages. Note that it will resolve YES even if Singular isn't awarded the full $1.7Bn that it is seeking.
This question resolves NO if the court rules in favor of Google. It resolves N/A if the case is dropped or settled.
Bloomberg reports that Singular and Google have "filed a joint motion to stay the case as they finalize a joint settlement." See here: https://news.bloomberglaw.com/ip-law/google-settles-ai-chip-design-suit-that-had-sought-billions
As a reminder, this market will resolve N/A when (and if) a final settlement is announced.