I had 200 followers earlier this year, 500 a month ago, now I have 1460. How many will @Mira have at end of 2024?
The Follower Count is the largest number of Twitter followers of @Mira by end of 2024. Each option resolves YES if the follower count is greater than or equal to it; NO otherwise.
Botted followers: I reserve the right to exclude purchased or botted followers from the count. I may resolve NA if I can't get an accurate count of these but believe the number to be significant.

Guys I'm 1 follower away from hitting this and this option was at 80%.
I paid M25 in subsidies to add this option. That gives me the right to a bunch of sweaty nerds building statistical models and bots to predict my Twitter follower count.
You guys need to step up your game or prediction markets can't work and it'll be your fault.