Louisiana has "delayed implementation" of the controversial law, until after the election, and until legal review -- at least until November 15th 2024.

Will this law ever be implemented, by the state or at the parish level?
The market will resolve YES if the law is implemented, or there is a serious attempt to implement it in public schools, at a state or parish level. Individual rogue schools or teachers will of course not count.
An example of implementation could involve
-> sending classroom materials to teachers
-> changing to textbooks that emphasize the Ten Commandments -- if that is the expressed aim
The market will resolve NO if times runs out -- set at July 2025.
OR the market will resolve an early NO if the law is struck down by upper courts in Louisiana or the US Supreme Court. We will see if the state decides to appeal such a ruling and if that appeal has a realistic chance of being heard before July 2025.
Given that the law is under review now -- see the article -- the early NO resolution is quite likely.
Blocked by Federal Judge...

If someone asks you a question about your market, it is usually not as clear as you think.
In this case, the issue is that you have two questions in the title, and they point in opposite sides - if the first one is true the market resolves YES, and if the second one is true the market resolves NO. And, on top of that, these two questions do not exhaust the possibilities, only the description does.
You've been argumentative with me before -- Mr Bruno.
I don't want to be lectured and more than you probably do. You can just not bet my markets.
"If someone asks you a question about your market..." -- this is language used to start an argument. Which you have every right to do but I'd prefer not to.
I am not suggestion you are wrong.
I am just saying the way I phrase markets appears not to be for you, so maybe we don't need to continue having this conversation. Respectfully.