We keep reading reports that they are "serious" about this, and that at least some in Greenland support it.

Resolution will be
from preponderance of evidence in media or official sources
closely following Polymarket rules when it's appropriate
Let's have fun and make some Greenland predictions!
As usual
I will be betting this market
If you want to argue about nonsense just don't bet this market, please
If you are uncomfortable with not 100% clear resolution for every question, also don't bet this market
Update 2025-13-01 (PST) (AI summary of creator comment): - Credible poll must include over 1,000 Greenland citizens.
Majority supports joining the US.
@Moscow25 fun market! The use of quotation marks for words like "buy" is merely a way to visually emphasize the word, right?
@MaybeNotDepends the question is will he make a model about Greenland? Or at least write about it [if he writes but doesn't make a model, it's a NO]
@Ibozz91 I don't know. I saw a tweet about a poll with 400 Greenlanders earlier. But it was just a tweet. That's why I'm saying needs to be 1000 people polled.
Polymarket odds sit at 13%