In the Wheel of Time books by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson, the Forsaken were 13 powerful Aes Sedai who lived during the Age of Legends and joined the Dark One during the War of Power. At the end of the War of Power, all 13 were imprisoned along with the Dark One by Lews Therin Telamon and the Hundred Companions. Their prison begins to break down 3000 years later, setting in motion much of the plot of the books.
The Amazon TV series based on the books is following their plot broadly but loosely. It is widely assumed that many characters and events will be cut or merged to reduce the overall length and complexity of the story for the television medium. Therefore, it is highly likely that some or all of the Forsaken will not appear in the show.
Which of them will or will not appear? As of this moment (halfway through the second season of the show), both Ishamael and Lanfear have had on-screen roles. That leaves 11 more who have not yet been seen. This market will resolve any Forsaken who appear in the show as YES, and any who have not appeared by the end of the show as NO.
Any character in the show who has the same name as one of the listed Forsaken counts, even if they look or act completely differently than they did in the books. The only exception would be if a character with one of those names is given a drastically different backstory (such as being an ordinary farmer from the "present day" of the show).
The character must actually be seen or heard on screen in the show. Simply being referenced in passing by another character would not count. (e.g., Graendal and Moghedien were mentioned in dialogue in s2e5. That is not sufficient to resolve either one as YES at this time.)
The character must be identified by one of those specific names. If they are referred to only by a separate name or title which was used in the books for that character, but never by the specific name from this main list, that would not count. (e.g., vs jr frr n fpvragvfg ol gur anzr bs Vfune Zbeenq Puhnva qhevat Ntr bs Yrtraqf synfuonpxf, be vs jr yngre frr na Nfun'zna anzrq Qnfuvin be Bfna'tne, ohg gung punenpgre vf arire ersreerq gb fcrpvsvpnyyl nf "Ntvabe", that would not count.)
"The show" includes only the main episodes of the show, not short supplementary animations like those used for background lore during season 1.
In the event that the show is cancelled or otherwise ends before its conclusion, I will leave the market open for one year after that becomes known. I will then resolve based on whatever material exists at the time, including e.g. interviews with the showrunners discussing what their future plans for the show would have been.
I will not be betting in this market.
They're going so fast and loose I'm expecting Book 7 shit by the end of this season.
@ManualBlinking Anything's possible!
(But, just in case it isn't clear, this market covers the entire run of the show, not just the current season.)