A "Let's Play" is a recorded playthrough of a video game, with the person playing adding their own commentary in reaction to events in the game.
This market resolves YES if, by the beginning of 2030, there exists a "Let's Play" channel featuring machine-generated gameplay and commentary. Resolves NO otherwise.
For purposes of this market, "Let's Play" content includes live streams as well as prerecorded content, as long as they feature both gameplay and commentary.
Edit to add: There should be at least three different games on the channel, with at least five total hours of gameplay in each of those games. (Sorry; I forgot to include this when I was originally writing the description.)
It's fine if the gameplay is recorded first, and the commentary is generated separately by reviewing the gameplay recordings, as long as both components are fully machine-generated.
It's fine if a human edits the videos afterwards (e.g., to remove boring sections, to add graphics or layout, etc.), as long as the gameplay, commentary, and the alignment of commentary timestamps to moments in gameplay are all fully machine-generated.
It's fine if the commentary is presented as text subtitles rather than as a synthesized voice, as long as a machine algorithm is making the decisions about when the subtitles appear.
I will not be betting in this market.