( as long as it is not dangerous and not too big for doorstep delivery of course )
( and also biologically possible )
( bacteria counts (is living) )
( customizable as in you get to customize it,
not like customized probiotics that they customized for you )
(customizable as in you customize it (via application or something else) and they send it to you and not they send you a customizable living thing and you do something to customize it)
[ resolves to YES if a company can provide custom bacteria (or living thing) to general customers ]
[ resolves to NO if there's no company that can provide custom bacteria (or living thing) to general customers by 2035 ]
when kcs asked "Do bacteria count too?", i thought that they meant 'Can i order customized bacteria too?' and not 'Can the word creature in this question also mean bacteria?', so i answered yes
but then i said that bacteria does not count replying to Madge, they called me out that i told kcs that bacteria counts, and that they bet yes because of it, so i just made bacteria count lol
:PPP ( low intelligence )
Customizable is such an arbitrary restriction with bacteria, because you *could* customize a bacteria to bioluminesce but why would you when a species that already does that already exists. And with something like rat neurons (which you can already buy) can be customized to fit shape layout for electrodes. So, you're going to have to specify the type of customizability.
@NathChuananopakul as in, for a yes resolution consumers will be able to order any biologically possible creature? So like, something that looks like a T-Rex would have to be on the table?
@Mad yes they can order, yes it can look like a T-rex, but more realistically there will be regulations like how big it is (delivery), or how dangerous it is
@NathChuananopakul yeah you probably want to clarify in the description
If you can order a custom bacterium, would you resolve it YES? Or to resolve it YES do you need to be able to order anything biologically possible?
@Mad hmm.. i don't think understood that question
i would resolve it based on the markets %
also it needs to be anything biologically possible to count, not just custom bacterium
As part of creating a new market, you need to specify what counts as a "yes" and "no". Currently, the title is vague about how sophisticated the "lab grown creature" needs to be, and exactly what "custom" means should be specified.
When the deadline passes (at the moment it's set to the default of Jan 1 2024, you will need to change it to be 2035), you as the market creator have sole responsibility to determine whether its "yes" or "no", or you can resolve it to a percentage but this is rare and usually based on some criteria in the description when it does happen.
@kcs bet "yes" on this market after you told them bacteria count, but just now you're telling me that they don't. It's very confusing.
@Mad okok (i saw those ctrl+c ctrl+v ctrl+v ctrl+v... of disappointment)
i will limit the bar of creatures to any living thing,
i did not realize how vague the question was
i will be updating the question sorry