Here's another of my future slice-of-life markets. On or around 1st Feb 2035 I will go to my local supermarket and see what's putting the food and goods onto the shelves. What will it be?
By "local supermarket" I mean the nearest Tesco Extra or equivalent to my home.
If the majority is being done by human workers, resolves Humans.
If it's being done by Atlas or similar, it'll resolve Humanoid general-purpose robots.
If it's being done by a robot that is not humanoid but is an off-the-shelf device that can do more than stacking shelves, I will resolve Non-humanoid general-purpose robots.
If it's being done by a robot that can only stack shelves and nothing more, I will resolve Task-specific robots.
If home delivery, or drone delivery, or whatever else might get stuff me to where I am, has entirely replaced the concept of the large supermarket, or for any other reason (war, AGI, The Matrix) there is no longer a supermarket of Tesco Extra scale within 25 miles of my home, I will resolve to No local supermarket exists / other.
Update 2025-21-01 (PST): - Definition of Humanoid: A robot will be resolved as Humanoid if it has a fairly high level of human-likeness, including articulated legs along with wheels (like a person on roller-skates). Robots that have only wheels below the waist will not be considered Humanoid. (AI summary of creator comment)
@Fion I would expect a fairly high level of human-likeness to resolve to Humanoid. If it was only wheels below the waist then I'd say not. If it had articulated legs but also wheels (think a person on roller-skates) then I would say yes.