Cabinet members as per https://www.gov.uk/government/ministers
Resolves YES if any member of cabinet resigns, is fired, dies, or otherwise ceases to hold a position in cabinet in a listed calendar quarter (Jan-Mar, Apr-Jun, Jul-Sep, Oct-Dec).
Being promoted to another cabinet position does not count as leaving.
Losing one cabinet role when multiple are held (and thus remaining in cabinet) does not count as leaving.
All cabinet members being replaced simultaneously e.g. at a general election will resolve YES.
@traders Annelise Dodds has resigned as Minister of State for Development, and she appears on the linked Ministers page so I have resolved Yes. I am tempted to update criteria for future months to refer to ministers under the Cabinet Ministers subheading and excluding the "also attends Cabinet" section, but interested to hear arguments either way.
@traders Louise Haigh has resigned as Transport Secretary, Q4 resolves YES. First cabinet exit of the Starmer administration.