Resolves YES if a new DLC is released for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet before market close.
New DLC must do at least two of the following in a single release:
Introduce >1 brand new Pokémon.
Introduce new areas to explore in-game.
Reintroduce >3 existing Pokémon currently unavailable in SV+The Indigo Disc.
Introduce >1 hour of new story (new dialogue with new or existing characters)
Introduce > 1 items unavailable in SV+The Indigo Disc.
I’ve written these to try and exclude social events where e.g. a new mythical is made available with a new attack or ability but otherwise nothing changes - that is not DLC imo. If there’s any other clarifications or changes you think would help, please ask in the comments.
Now we’re a few weeks out from release and I’m less worried about spoilers, here are the reasons why I am tentatively YES on this:
Legendary availability is weirdly incomplete. Tapus, Xerneas, Yveltal and Zygarde not in game at all. Lake Trio, Genies, OG Regis, Calyrex, Zacian, Zamazenta and Eternatus remain transfer only. 20x legendaries would be a substantial DLC feature.
In-Pokédex Pokémon (Walking Wake and Iron Crown) are temporary raid accessible only and have no fixed in-game spawns. If this is not fixed then these Pokemon will be unavailable to new players or those playing after the last event ends. This is weird for VGC-legal , non-mythical, part-of-a-trio Pokemon.
No post-game battle tower facility.
DLC ends with receiving a Key Item in your possession that does nothing other than trigger a few lines of dialogue.
Title screen advances to evening time when DLC2 is complete, meaning night could appear after DLC3 was complete.
3 year release schedule means no main line Pokémon game in first ~18 months of Switch 2.
Pecharunt event is clearly being marketed as an epilogue to The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero, NOT Scarlet and Violet.
Unfulfilled rumours from reliable sources:
Performance (Switch 2) patch?
Tera Forms for existing Pokémon
There are rumours that the new mythical is in the game’s code, but will be released through a gen 3/4 style event where an item becomes available that allows you to go to a place and receive it, with a bit of wraparound story. That would actually tick most of the criteria in this box. But I’m hesitant to call it a DLC, because those events in Ruby/Sapphire etc were not DLC. I’ve sold my stake so I’m less biased. What’s everyone’s thoughts on how I should resolve in that instance?
@Noit I’m thinking something like the following changes:
“Introduce brand new Pokémon” becomes “Introduce >1 brand new Pokémon”
“Reintroduce existing Pokémon currently unavailable in SV” becomes “Reintroduce >3 existing Pokémon currently unavailable in SV”
“Introduce new story (new dialogue with new or existing characters)” becomes “Introduce at least an hour of new story (new dialogue with new or existing characters)”
I don’t think any of those are particularly onerous for even a small DLC to meet, but it should exclude something like an EON ticket event.
If nobody disagrees I will add these in later.