Only supernovas within 50k light years will be counted.
Market will extend until a supernova explosion is detected within 50k ly from earth at which point the supernova progenitor will be selected as the answer.
Feel free to add other canidates, but please make sure they are within 50k ly.
Any supernova type counts, but it has to be a supernova, not something like a neutron star merger, or other exotic event (or a regular nova)
If there's no consensus about wether an event is a supernova or not, I will try to wait until the controversy is resolved and may refer to sources such as wikipedia or notable scientific publications
For the doubters, here is an article that explains how recurring nova systems can be progenitors or a type 1a supernova.
To be clear if T Coronae Borealis is just a nova in this cycle we will wait for the next one
Um have to concur nova isn't a supernova, something has to change. This is a magnet for fools like me who don't read with enough thought and precision
@JussiVilleHeiskanen what's not clear ? How is a nova a supernova ? I sincererly don't get why people are confused.
T Coronae Borealis does not have nearly enough mass to go supernova; what regularly happens to it is going nova, which is not "a type of supernova". Maybe one could argue the opposite, that supernovae are a type of nova, but not the other way around. The fact that T CrB undergoes these events regularly further shows they're not supernovae (as a supernova destroys its parent star).
If this market resolves to that option once the star goes nova in the next few months, that will be a misresolution.
Edit: since individual options cannot be N/A'ed, it might be best to edit the market to be about going "nova or supernova".

@Crazypedia @EstMtz @Arky @BoredQuokka @PseudonymousBosche24f do y'all agree to N/A so we can all have our mana back?
Edit Wrong thread?