Resolves yes if there are permanent aluminum producing factories on the moon before the close date.
Permanent means the factories are meant for continous operation and use mostly materials mined directly on the moon.
Use of imported fuel is acceptable, as well as limited use of catalysts or other marginal imported ingredients.
See also other related markets about factories on the moon
@JonathanRay with infrastructure in space mining resourses will be more desirable and cheaper than mining on Earth.
@Berg Heavy metals on m-type asteroids are the only thing likely to be mined profitably in space for purposes of returning it to earth. Aluminum ore is ridiculously abundant on earth and the hard part is generating enough electricity to purify it, which will be cheaper on earth
@JonathanRay the hard part soon would be paying for all the mining externalities and damage to ecosystems, so I think you misjudging here
@Berg Size of the externalities varies with population density and space is just one end of that spectrum, temporarily