When will Dark Souls 1 Remake be announced?
Before 2025-07-01
Before 2026-01-01
NOH1 2024
NOH2 2024 or earlier
H1 stands for "first half", H2 stands for "second half".
Only significant remakes are considered, similar to Demon's Souls Remake. A "remaster" or a release on a new platform do not count.
The game has to be announced via a press release or at a popular games show. Some significant details and the release data have to be announced (even if this date later slips).
The answers will be resolved to NO as soon as the respective period is over without an announcement. Once the announcement happens, the remaining options will be resolved to YES.
This question is managed and resolved by Manifold.
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@OlegEterevsky Yes, because Sony owns the right to Demon's Souls IP. Dark Souls IP is owned by BN / FS.
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