As of the early 2024, the farthest man-made spacecraft from Earth is Voyager 1 at the distance of 24.4 billion km, which is 0.0026 light year or a bit less than 23 light hours.
There are various proposals of interstellar probes that would be accelerated to a fraction of the speed of light. The market will be resolved to YES when any of them will be launched and reach the distance of 1 light year from the Sun.
The probe doesn't have to be operational when it finds itself at this distance. Any macroscopic object would count. "Macroscopic" means that the object has to be visible with a naked eye, i.e. have dimensions of at least 0.1 mm, so a single ion shot from a particle accelerator will not count.
The objects that are created by AIs or other entities created by humans count.
I will resolve each option to NO ~1 year before the end of the specified period if no spacecrafts travelling at the required speed have been launched, since a spacecraft launched after that point will have to travel faster than light to reach the distance of 1 l.y.
I will not bet on this market.