Each option will resolve to NO when the specified time period is over and no announcement has been made. As soon as a stand-alone VR headset is announced, all the open answers are resolved to YES.
The VR headset (presumably but not necessarily Valve Index 2) has to run games and/or apps without being persistently connected (even wirelessly) to a computer or a mobile device. It is ok if the headset uses a computer or a phone for the initial setup or even for starting the program.
The announcement has to be made either on Steam Store, via a press release, or at a popular industry event like GDC.
I will not bet on this market.
Clarification from 2024-01-18: a small module (e.g. battery) that hangs on the belt and is sold together with the headset still counts as “stand-alone”. A backpack does not. I’ll resolve as N/A if it’s borderline.
@makoyass There are already portable computers in the backpacks. I don’t think this qualifies as stand-alone.
For some reason a didn’t think about a Steamdeck-sized device attached to your belt when I was writing this question. Is this portable enough to resolve as a YES?
@OlegEterevsky Yeah, I just drafted a market about my question, then stopped when I realized the headset part couldn't be classified as stand-alone. All of the innovation would be in this battery powered gaming computer with belt loops.