Ever hear that old boomer saw about how "they should do an Olympics where all drugs are legal"? Well, a group of venture capitalists are going to actually do it.
Do not add meta questions about this market itself.
All questions start from when they are added; no retroactive answers.
Questions can be edited for clarification by me.
Questions can be resolved N/A for quality control by me.
Anyone can present evidence for any answer, but if an answer is a mystery I will leave that question open until evidence arrives, or resolve it N/A a month after the Games end.
If the Games fall apart or have an indefinite delay, this market will be kept open until the end of Q3 2025, at which point all open questions will resolve N/A. If there is a small delay, I will simply move the resolution time.
@drcat The event was recently delayed from December 2024 to mid-2025. But it has more funding now (from Peter Thiel among others), and a bunch of details are supposed to drop in August of this year.